Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Crisis in Germany, unemployment. Good social safety net. Depression in parts of East Germany. Nezamestnanost v Nemecku. Zkracena pracovni doba.

Unemployment(the real one, not US official distorted numbers) is far worse in the East, where it hovers around 20 % in some regions. The whole Germany 8.6%.

People collect 60 % of salary for 18 months, then less. Nezamestnani lide pobiraji 60% platu po rok a pul. Pote mene.

Companies use government-subsidized short working hours, known as kurzarbeit, to avoid layoffs.

Podniky mohou uzivat tzv kurzarbeit, kdy vlada subvencuje zkracenou pracovni dobu, aby se predeslo nezamestnanosti.

In February 09 exports fell 23 % compared with the previous year 08. Industrial output shrank 20.6 % for the month 02-09, compared with the year before.

German automaker Daimler, which makes Mercedes Benz, has placed some 70,000 workers on short-hour status, to avoid unemployment.

Quick collapse
What has astounded even older people, who have lived through recessions and restructurings in the past, was the speed with which business ground to a halt.

At factories that last summer 09 were running 7 days a week orders simply collapsed, and now they’re running just 2 or 3 days a week.




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