Wednesday, September 23, 2009

9/11 Controlled Demolition Implications, Defaults, Consequences. Indictments. Will the Empire Fall? What Empire?..Let?s realize that the majority, if not all of top ruling establishment elite, military, intelligence and top government political leadership, from left to right, then and now, official media, multinational corporations, these all are, or will be shortly, involved in an enormous, flagrant criminal cover-up of the biggest criminal event of the US history of our time, the 9/11 Controlled Demolition attacks false flag inside job covert Reichstag fire type self-inflicted wound military operation. Per irrefutable scientific evidence, and per common sense. Involved they will be more or less, some knowingly, some not, some wanting and some not . Then a small, inside elite group of entities and individuals, foreign or not, identities of which are yet unknown, is directly involved, with different degrees of knowledge, in the operation itself, as they prepared and executed the attacks.

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