9/11 email to President Obama. Mr. President, via Obama HQ. I would like to officially provide you with the following information : 9/11 attacks in New York are controlled demolition, therefore an inside job. This per irrefutable, conclusive, scientific evidence - a nonothermite high military explosive was found in the dust of pulverized towers. It is utterly impossible that towers vaporized as they did, with the speed of 10 floors per second, close to the speed of free fall. ... A new, independent investigation is immediately needed. Thank you. Sincerely, Petr Buben. http://911UnitedWeInvestigate.blogspot.com - http://twitter.com/911news - http://911truth.org - http://911blogger.com - http://ae911truth.org - http://stj911.org - http://journalof911studies.com