Right-wing hate worse than during Clinton presidency. ~But we have 9/11 controlled demolition now. My comment : It is true extreme right wing activity - conspiracy to subvert democratically elected president is alive, virulent, and getting racist and desperate.
It is true that military, with their $1 trillion + a year budget, plus Cia etc hold enormous power.
But today, we have 9/11 controlled demolition attacks conclusive evidence - so they better hurry to stir up something.
Definitely, right wing conspirators tried to silence, to disable, democratically elected and popular American President Clinton. ........
It's these methods they resort to, when votes do not get them elected - scandals, lawsuits, propaganda, personal attacks.
This way, needed healthcare reform was sabotaged during Pres Clinton years. - http://friendfeed.com/news3 - http://friendfeed.com/BarackObama ... ............
What else have we gotten from vast right wing conspiracy? .........
9/11 controlled demolition attacks as p