Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What hit Pentagon, no 9/11 Movement consensus. Switched out plane, either another 757 or smaller military one, remotely controlled, possibly other fake plane overfly. As you say, many in the Movement believe ?no plane hit Pentagon?, and there really is no consensus at all, no hard evidence, or contradictory one, on what happened. Well, there cannot be a consensus without knowing the facts ? therefore without profound, unfettered new investigation. I even do not want to mention earlier pictures of a) open book at the 2. floor where plane hit, kerosine burned. unburned, opened, paper book ?!! I be darned :/ b) wooden stool, unburned c) a computer, a personal computer, from plastics, ? unburned. This would defy even any normal, factual reality. :] ?. Would you please comment?. Very complex, and very serious issues. Yes, that is us ? 9/11 Truth Controlled Demolition Peace and Justice Great Patriotic Movement. I am sure US government is in possession of a number of clear photographs of all 9/11 attacks, from cam

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