Wednesday, October 14, 2009

9/11 mastermind - what does that mean? my comment - It means a guy who puts together a groups of Saudis, tells them to go learn flying-piloting, at hit buildings. Possibly finances it. It was a public knowledge for many years that Arabs would like, or are planning, to "ram planes into American buildings". I think Sheik might have done something of a planning, supporting this act, but he NEVER could have known, and probably never knows now, that the whole operation was MONITORED by US services, and it was ALLOWED to happen, and ENHANCED - with nanothermite at WTC, and very likely with remotely controlled airplanes. Without US and probably foreign secret services knowledge and active aid, the 9/11 attacks could NEVER have happened. - What should happen? Ideally, sheik should be sent home for time served for his indirect role in 9/11 inside job demolition attacks. And what prompted Arabs into such animosity towards US, after being support

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