Thursday, October 1, 2009

Juvenile behind criminal anti-president poll won?t face charges. He feared for his healthcare, and so wanted to incite violence. ~my comment: so it wasn't some crazy right wing violent Republican pre-criminal. ... "cut his healthcare" ?? ..where and how did the kid come up with such an idiocy? heard it from Limbaugh ??? .... or from some republican activist? well I think family should be given hours of community service, plus some mandatory classes of civic education - no need to stay in reeducation camp. Child should be getting extra schooling too. Homeland Security should mobilize and start tracking anybody calling or contemplating violence against anybody. Start identifying them, shutting them off the net, and registering them as violence inciters. Lastly, I think people, especially kids, who like and play extremely violent and violent videogames, are more prone to be violent, to become criminals. Lets make these violent videogames much, much more expensive than they are now. The money from that woul

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