Sunday, November 8, 2009

Chemicals in Our Food and Bodies. Breast cancer, obesity, attention disorder, all linked to BPA corporations are spiking food with. More than 92 % of Americans have BPA - bisphenol A in their urine. It?s a synthetic estrogen that US factories use in everything from plastics to epoxies, 6 pounds per American per year.Now it turns out it?s in our food.Should we be alarmed?more than 200 other studies have shown links between low doses of BPA and adverse health effects, according to the Breast Cancer Fund, which is trying to ban the chemical from food and beverage containers.?The vast majority of independent scientists ? those not working for industry ? are concerned about early-life low-dose exposures to BPA,?Published journal articles have found that BPA given to pregnant rats or mice can cause malformed genitals in their offspring, as well as reduced sperm count among males. This year, the journal Environmental Health Perspectives found that pregnant mice exposed to BPA had babies with abnormalities

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