Sunday, November 1, 2009

Who Owns Congress? Those who bankrupted the country. Over a year ago, we suffered the most significant financial collapse since the Great Depression, and the result of that is massive unemployment and underemployment. People lost their savings. People lost their homes. Now, despite the greed and illegal behavior of Wall Street, there is a massive effort to make sure that Congress does nothing about it. You know what? That might end up being the result.How does it happen that Wall Street was able to convince Congress to deregulate their industry, to be in a position to bring the economy down? How does it happen that they are able to fend off serious efforts in Congress to try to re-regulate the financial institutions to protect the American people?In the last 10 years, Wall Street and big financial institutions have spent over $5 billion in campaign contributions and in lobbying activities.How is it that we pay, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs?since 1998 the pharmaceutical indus

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