Monday, December 14, 2009

China loses thousands of historic sites - capitalism must be held accountable, managed, regulated, by democratically elected government - the one not bought up by capitalists themselves, lest grave damages, wars, destruction can occur. More than 30,000 items on 1982 list have vanished, in part due to China's aggressive development, survey finds China's aggressive development has swallowed up tens of thousands of historic sites in the last three decades, experts conducting a national survey have warned country's ancient tombs, temples, homes and other sites. Many have made way for roads and reservoirs, they discovered. damage caused over the last 20 years was worse than during the Cultural Revolution. Swaths of Beijing's historic courtyard homes have fallen to the wrecking ball in just the last decade. The old town in Dinghai, Zhejiang, has been almost completely destroyed. - (via

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