Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Possible desired effects and reasons behind Detroit bombing 12-25-09 inside operation: To introduce new, additional police state security measures and install new equipment to further harass air travelers. Further: 1. to remind people, to keep population in apprehension, or outright fear, of terror. 2. to get to Pres Obama, to express irritation with his policies, to be able to say - he is not "protecting Americans well enough" 3. some agencies inside political infighting. A palpable friction lately came out between Cia/Dir Panetta and National Intel Council/ Dir Blair 3. simple pretext for further conflict, as Sen Lieberman already called for preemptive strikes on Yemen 4. implied message that the next time, bomb might actually work 5. all of the above I do think that managers in CIA, FBI, DHS, TSA responsible for this inside operation - letting known radical banned in Britain board a plane with a defective bomb - should be reassigned immediately. Any such consequences never happened after 9/11, as far

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